Park entrance gates

Find your way around

With our Park Map


There is a network of hard-surfaced wheel-friendly footpaths throughout much of the park, marked on our maps below. There are also several kissing gates throughout the estate, each is accessible with a RADAR key. The Walled Garden is laid mainly to lawn, with hard surfaced paths at the perimeter. The Walled Garden and walkway up to the car park is well lit from just before dusk.

The Tea Rooms are fully accessible; The Gallery Upstairs is accessible via lift from the Tea Rooms. Accessible toilets are located in the car park and by the Tea Rooms (RADAR key).

The Park Map

The map below is best viewed on larger screens; the image includes a ‘zoom’ function allowing users to see areas of it in clearer detail. If you are viewing on a smartphone or other small screen, we suggest you download the pdf version to see clear detail.

Open Water

Please be aware that the estate grounds include unfenced ponds, lakes, streams and a tidal shoreline. Young children must be accompanied at all times.

Upton Country Park

The inset area enlarged