5-year Park expansion project complete!
Published Saturday, 25 July 2020
Final phase opened 25th July

Come along and enjoy an additional 25 acres of open space at Poole’s only Country Park, as work is completed on the final phase of a 5-year project.

With outstanding views of both Holes Bay Nature Reserve and Grove Woods we’ve opened up many new pathways for our visitors to explore. New meadows and picnic area have been created alongside the Park’s shoreline and woodlands, trees have been planted and an additional 1,000 sq.m. dog ‘play pen’ recall & training area (our second), along with our popular stepping stones and dog splash area at the stream. 

Whilst the space is now open, there are still a few finishing touches to add over the next few months – including new bins by the picnic area and dog play pen, noticeboards, gates and signage.

Earlier in the year, with the help of Arts University Bournemouth student volunteers and Woodland Trust, 35 new trees and 6,500 young whips were hand planted across the new meadows and to the south of the estate; species include Rowan, Hornbeam, Lime and Field Maple. Gaps in historic hedgerows were re-planted and once established will provide important wildlife corridors, offering protection and feeding grounds for our wildlife. In addition, with the support of the Lytchett Minster Explorer Scouts, new fruit trees were planted in the estate’s orchard and a fruiting hedge introduced alongside the play area boundary.

This project was led by BCP Council Environment Development Team and is part of the wider town plans for creating open spaces for residents to enjoy that are designed to offset the impact of new housing development on our local, nationally important heathlands and nature sites. We’re very proud to celebrate this important milestone in the Park’s development.

Read the full story, with pictures, and links to details of previous phases at www.bcpprojects.net/upton/

Takeaway refreshments from the Tea Rooms

Visitors can now enjoy takeaway refreshments, snacks and tasty treats from both our Pod in the Park opposite the Cabin and our main Tea Rooms counter.

The Tea Rooms were re-opened last weekend, but for a limited takeaway service only, with a one-way system and outdoor queuing system in place. In line with latest government guidance,  please ensure you wear a face covering when using the takeaway service in the Tea Rooms (not required at the outdoor Pod in the Park). 

We accept contactless card payments only (we’re now cashless across the whole Estate) and regret that at this stage no seating is available, nor bookings taken. The Courtyard toilets are also now open, but The Gallery Upstairs remains closed until further notice.

If you are planning to visit we suggest you familiarise yourself with the full details before you arrive, see www.uptoncountrypark.com/tea-rooms/  

Tea Rooms Landscaping

For those of you who have visited recently we thank you for your patience whilst we continue to work around the Tea Rooms. We cleared the dense Laurel and failing retaining wall over tthe winter, to restore a more open grass landscape which will protect our heritage buildings.

The cleared Laurel had limited conservation and wildlife value. However, with the support of our Horticultural Volunteers the lavender shrubs have been carefully transplanted into the Walled Garden. The new land drainage and stone gabion wall is now complete and will provide a lasting support to the lower southern bank, whilst the remaining grass covered bank will be enclosed with knee rail and hazel screening.

These works are part of a longer term programme which will gradually reinstate the grounds to their former glory, providing a more open setting akin to the regency style and link in with the Discovery Project improvements being made across the Estate with vital funding from the Heritage National Lottery.

As the Park gradually re-opens we ask that all visitors act with patience and consideration for others. Please adhere to signage around the Park which follows the wider BCP Council approach to ‘keep left’ and to ‘keep your distance’ from other visitors.

Further updates will be provided here and on our Facebook page. We thank you for your understanding

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